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Adventure & Outdoor Camps

Adventure & Outdoor Camps: For Kids Who Treat Your Backyard Like a National Park

Does your child think every stick is a sword, every puddle is an ocean, and every family hike is a quest for buried treasure? Then these Adventure & Outdoor Camps are the perfect match!

Let them channel that boundless energy into epic adventures that don’t involve climbing your furniture or digging holes in your garden. These camps offer the thrill of the great outdoors—without the laundry pile of muddy clothes for you.

From building shelters and spotting wildlife to hiking, kayaking, and surviving (with snacks, of course), these camps are the ultimate way for kids to connect with nature while you connect with the idea of someone else supervising them in it.

Because while your idea of "roughing it" is a hotel without room service, your kiddo is ready to conquer the wilderness—one marshmallow roast at a time. Let’s make it happen!