
🐰 Egg Hunt (New Cumberland)

Saturday April 8, 2023 11:00 am
New Cumberland Borough ParkFront StreetNew Cumberland PA 17070
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The first hunt will start at 11am. Each hunt will be divided into age groups:

* 2 and under
* 3-4 years old
* 5-6 years old
* 7-8 years old
* 9-10 years old

Hunt start times will be in increments. The first hunt (2 and under) will start at 11am. The second group will start shortly after the first group is finished to allow time for parents with multiple children to get to the appropriate age group. In each age group , select eggs will contain "prize tickets," which can be redeemed for prize baskets.

We will be holding a 50/50 raffle, as well as a business raffle of baskets donated by local businesses.

The NCYBA Concession stand will be open to sell food and drinks. Kona Ice will also be at the event.

Activities available include face painting, sand art by The Sandbox, take pictures with the Easter Bunny, and more!

Proceeds benefit New Cumberland Youth Baseball Association to help fund our youth baseball programs.

** Please Note: There are no atms on site, and we do not take credit cards. Please bring cash if you plan on participating in activities other than the egg hunt or purchasing food/drinks. The egg hunt and taking pictures with the Easter Bunny are and will always be free. 


ages 0 - 10

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