
The Glitter and Sparkle Boutique

Behind The Glitter & Sparkle Boutique

Welcome! I'm Liz, a busy wife and mom of 5. I started my own business to help others feel comfortable and confident. Our boutique has LuLaRoe, a Simply Comfortable line of clothing. LuLaRoe was my first business venture. I tried the clothing and felt like myself for the first time since becoming a Mom. It was an amazing feeling and I had to share it with others. I added Posh, as their high quality soaps, lotions, and other products were perfect little ways to pamper myself. Last but not least is Red Aspen. I always feel better about my life if my nails are done. Their Dashes are a reusable, non-damaging way to make my nails look their best.
Let me help you feel your best and sparkle! 💖