
Your Summer Camp Solution Is Here! ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY

Announcing the Harrisburg and West Shore Area Summer Camp & Activity Guide 2025

By Rachael Benion, publisher, Macaroni KID Harrisburg and West Shore December 11, 2024

It’s that time of year—the kids are back in school, but you’re already wondering, "What in the world am I going to do with them all summer?!" Enter: the Macaroni KID Harrisburg Summer Camp Guide! Launching February 1, 2024, this handy guide will be the go-to resource for local families planning their kids’ summer adventures.

Why is this such a big deal? Let me tell you:

  • Parents are planners. The moment holiday break ends, parents’ minds go straight to warmer weather and summer plans. (We love winter, but let’s be real—sunshine is calling.)
  • Kids need something to do. Whether it’s STEM, sports, drama, or making their first lanyard keychain, parents want meaningful, fun activities for their kids—and you can help provide them!
  • Macaroni KID families support local businesses. Listing your camp here means you’ll reach parents who want to spend their dollars locally.

Make your camp the highlight of a family’s summer!

So what are you waiting for? Put your camp or activity front and center in our Summer Camp Guide and get noticed by thousands of local families. No camp, no problem! Listings for summer programs, workshops, and family-friendly activities are also welcome.

Advertising Details

Investment Options:

  1. Basic/Bargain Inclusion — $50
    Simple listing with a link to your website and a basic description.
  2. Full Listing — $199
    Enhanced listing with added details, a direct link to your website, and more.
  3. Premium Package — $299
    • A featured article about your business on our website and in a newsletter of your choice.
    • A dedicated social media post reaching over 6,000+ followers.
  4. Guide Sponsor Package — $500
    Includes everything in the Premium Package, plus:
    • Prime placement in the Summer Camp Guide and all related promotions.
    • An upgraded directory listing for one year.
    • A sidebar ad on our website and in newsletters for one month.

What You Get:

  • Promotion Period: February 1, 2024, through August 15, 2024. That’s six-and-a-half months of exposure!
  • Business Directory Listing: Your business will appear in our Summer Camps category.
  • Featured in Our Guide: Your listing will be included in every newsletter and have homepage placement, reaching over 8,000 inboxes weekly (that’s 208,000 potential views during the campaign!) and an average of 10,000 organic website visitors monthly.
  • Social Media Love: The summer camp guide will be promoted no less than 6 times to our 6,000+ followers on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Front Page Visibility: The Summer Camp Guide will have prime placement on our homepage throughout the promotion.

Add-On Opportunities

Many add-on opportunities are limited and expected to sell out quickly, so act fast to secure your spot!

  1. Exclusive E-Blast
    This premium option is an email dedicated solely to your business, organization, or event. It can be sent on the date and time of your choice to our entire subscription list of over 8,000 families in Harrisburg and the West Shore. With an open rate above 40%, it’s our highest-impact option!
    • Includes a complimentary leaderboard ad on the website and weekly newsletter.
    • Your business receives a one-week spotlight for even more visibility.
      Only ONE e-blast is available per month.
  2. Sponsored Article
    Sponsored articles are a cost-effective way to reach your target audience. Articles are sent to our readers’ inboxes in the week’s e-newsletter, published to our homepage for at least one full week, and remain on the website indefinitely. You can provide the article, or we can create it for you!
    • Visit our "Articles" section for examples.
  3. Display Ads
    Display ads offer targeted, no-waste marketing for your local business. Your ad will be visible on the website and in the weekly email newsletter, reaching both mobile and desktop users. No matter what page our reader clicks on, your ad will be prominently displayed, encouraging action.

How to Get Listed:

It’s easy! Complete this form to get started. Once completed, you may submit your camp information HERE to streamline the process or I will email you with anything additional that I need  for your selected advertising options..

Questions? Email me at

Don’t miss your chance to be part of the #1 Macaroni KID campaign nationwide. Historically, this guide gets a tremendous amount of traction and is the most-visited page on the site for months. Get listed, get noticed, and help families plan their best summer ever!