
Very Demure, Very Cute, Very Mindful: Tips to Survive School Photos

How Is It Time for Fall School Photos Already?

By Rachael Benion, publisher, Macaroni KID Harrisburg and West Shore August 29, 2024

Seriously, how did we get here? It feels like just yesterday we were slathering sunscreen on squirming kids and trying to keep sand out of everything, and now—BAM!—the school photo form is staring at us like, "Yep, it’s that time again!" One minute you’re packing lunches, and the next, you’re frantically trying to remember which side of your kid’s head they part their hair on. But here we are, friends, in the whirlwind that is fall school photo season.

Don’t worry, though—I’ve got your back with the top ten tips to navigate this annual rite of passage. Let’s turn those forced smiles into something we can proudly stick on the fridge… or at least not immediately bury in a drawer. 

With careful planning and preparation, you too can have picture perfect memories that will last a lifetime! 

1. Check the Calendar, Like, Right Now

Because nothing screams "parenting fail" like sending your kid to school on picture day in a dinosaur pajama top and bedhead. Mark the date, circle it in red, set ten alarms—whatever it takes to make sure your kid doesn’t look like they just rolled out of bed (even if they did).

2. Do a Hair Dry Run

If you’re planning on trying out a new hairstyle, practice it ahead of time. Otherwise, you risk discovering on picture day that your child’s hair prefers to channel Einstein instead of the sleek ponytail you envisioned. And remember: a last-minute buzz cut rarely ends well.

3. Wardrobe Wars: Choose Your Battles

Yes, that frilly dress or dapper little suit looks adorable, but will your child actually wear it without a full-blown meltdown? Aim for a happy medium: something that looks nice but won’t result in a clothing strike five minutes before you have to leave. Getting everyone ready for pictures may take 47 hours, three meltdowns, and a Bloody Mary.  Your youngest will have outgrown her outfit of perfection, squeeze it on, it’s fine.  

4. Bribe Wisely

When your oldest refuses the outfit of perfection that you carefully curated, a little bribery can go a long way in getting that perfect smile. Just be careful with your promises—telling them they’ll get ice cream after school might result in a photo with a grin that looks more maniacal than cute. Choose your bribes wisely, my friend. Bribery also tends to pair well with threats of bodily injury to prevent children from rubbing their hair and bodies on the ground.  At least one child still will. 

5. Cross Your Fingers for the Haircut Timing Sweet Spot

This is tricky. Too soon before picture day, and the haircut might look too fresh. Too far in advance, and they might resemble a sheepdog. Aim for a week before and pray they don’t spontaneously decide to give themselves bangs.

6. Do a Smile Practice Run

A little mirror time can help avoid the dreaded fake grin that looks like your child is being held hostage. Have them practice their "real" smile—think about puppies, recess, or the promise of screen time. Whatever it takes to make that smile authentic.

7. Pack a Backup Outfit

Because Murphy’s Law dictates that if you don’t, someone will spill something on themselves five minutes before photos. Or worse, during snack time. A clean shirt in the backpack could save the day—or at least the photo.

8. Remember, It’s Just a Snapshot

This one’s for you, parents. Don’t stress too much about getting everything perfect. Your kid’s a kid, and if their shirt collar is a little crooked or their smile a little goofy, that’s okay. It’s just one moment in time, not their college application photo (thank goodness).

9. Embrace the Weird

Got a kid who insists on making a goofy face or striking a superhero pose? Go with it. Years from now, you’ll look back and laugh at how their personality shines through in that picture. Plus, these are the photos that make for great embarrassing stories later on.

10. Accept the Inevitable: They Might Turn Out Terrible

Let’s be real—sometimes, despite your best efforts, the photos will come back with weird lighting, awkward smiles, or hair doing something entirely unplanned. But that’s okay! Remember, these are the pictures you’ll treasure when you’re looking for something to embarrass them with at their wedding.

Final Thoughts: When All Else Fails, Laugh It Off

So, if the photos end up looking more like a blooper reel than a Pinterest board, just remember: it’s all part of the fun. After all, what’s the point of a perfect photo if you can’t use it to mortify your kids later? So embrace the chaos, laugh at the awkward grins, and remember that one day, these will be the photos that everyone loves most—not because they’re perfect, but because they’re perfectly imperfect.

Now that you're ready with a solid plan of action, please bask in the glory that are our school photos form the 2022 school year.  

As you can tell by the looks of terror, the photographer was a T-Rex. As you can tell from the technical expertise, a T-Rex with no fudges left to give.

Why is my oldest the color of mayonnaise? We are Greek!

I call this look smoldering angst meets 80’s glamour shot.

He had just finished killing his family with an axe at a remote hotel in Maine.

Look at my pretty dress!!! LOOOOOOK AT IT!!!!

Disclaimer: While the ideas and the bulk of the brilliance are all mine, I confess that I enlisted the help of ChatGPT to polish things up. Why? Because AI is the friendliest grammarian I know—no red pen, no judgment, just pure, unadulterated love for a well-placed comma. So if you find any rogue semicolons or unnaturally perfect phrasing, you can thank my digital editor for that.