
Carnegie Science Center

A Macaroni KID Harrisburg & West Shore Hosted Review

By Rachael Benion, publisher, Macaroni KID Harrisburg and West Shore August 27, 2024

Our recent trip to the Carnegie Science Center & SportsWorks was nothing short of spectacular—a perfect blend of learning, fun, and a little bit of “Can we do that again?” from every single one of our kids (and maybe even us adults). With four kids aged 2, 5, 7, and 10, plus one more on the way, finding a place that caters to everyone can be a challenge. But Carnegie Science Center, as always, nailed it.

First things first, a pro tip for my fellow parents: Start your day at SportsWorks. This place is a kid’s paradise, where they can jump, climb, and race their way to happiness. It’s like a giant gym class but way more fun and without the pressure of dodgeball. The 5-year-old, who we sometimes refer to as our “wrecking ball,” was in heaven. He raced from one activity to the next, trying everything from the human yo-yo to the balance challenges, while the 7-year-old got lost in the virtual sports simulators. Even our 2-year-old found plenty to do, running around and joining in the action wherever she could.

After SportsWorks, we followed our tried-and-true strategy of heading to the top floor of the Science Center and working our way down. This reverse approach is brilliant for avoiding crowds, especially if you arrive first thing in the morning. And it gave us a chance to start the day at the top—literally and figuratively—with the robust children’s area. The top floor is a wonderland of hands-on exhibits designed just for the younger crowd, but don’t be fooled—there’s something here for everyone. The older kids had just as much fun building structures, playing with light and sound, and getting creative as the little one did.

One of the absolute highlights of our trip was the Pixar Animation exhibit. This traveling exhibit is a must-add to your visit, trust me. Our kids were completely absorbed in the behind-the-scenes magic of their favorite Pixar movies. From learning how characters are brought to life to discovering the secrets of animation, it was a hit. And let’s be real—I was just as fascinated. It brought back memories of the incredible Da Vinci exhibit we saw a few years ago, which my family still talks about. Carnegie Science Center knows how to do traveling exhibits right, and they’re always worth the extra ticket.

And speaking of add-ons, we tried the Disney laser show for the first time this trip, and it was an absolute crowd pleaser. Imagine a room full of kids (and adults) singing along to Disney classics while lasers dance around in time with the music. It was like stepping into a nostalgic, techy wonderland. I may or may not have belted out a few verses of “Let It Go” with my kids. Okay, I totally did much to the tween's dismay, and it was awesome.

Now, while we didn’t tour the submarine this time—because, well, we’ve done it a few times already and didn’t want to risk feeling like sardines—it’s still a fascinating part of the museum. If you haven’t done it yet, I highly recommend it. Just be prepared for some tight spaces (so maybe skip it if you’re claustrophobic, or like me, pregnant).

What makes the Carnegie Science Center & SportsWorks stand out is how it truly caters to all ages. There’s plenty of kid-friendly, hands-on fun, but it’s also a place where adults can get just as involved. Whether it’s trying out a physics experiment, exploring space exhibits, or getting lost in the tech and engineering displays, there’s no shortage of ways to engage everyone in the family.

In short, our visit to the Carnegie Science Center was a blast from start to finish. From the energy-burning fun at SportsWorks to the mind-blowing Pixar exhibit and everything in between, it’s a place where you can easily spend an entire day—and still have things left to see. So pack light, add on the extras, and prepare for a day of science-fueled fun that your family will be talking about for years to come!


For more information and tickets, visit

**This is a hosted review, which is a fancy way of saying we didn’t get paid, but we did get free tickets in exchange for our honest opinions. And trust me, we’re brutally honest—just ask our kids about broccoli. As always, our thoughts are our own, except for the times when ChatGPT helps us sound a little less like nitpicky perfectionists. (Because let’s face it, I can be a bit pedantic!) Rest assured, the opinions here are 100% ours—well, maybe 99% with a little AI assist.**

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