
Idlewild & Soak Zone

A Macaroni KID Harrisburg & West Shore Hosted Review

By Rachael Benion, publisher, Macaroni KID Harrisburg and West Shore August 27, 2024

On our way to Pittsburgh, we made a magical pit stop at Idlewild, and let me tell you—it was like stepping into a time machine that also had a serious love for Daniel Tiger. With kids aged 2, 5, 7, and 10 (and one more on the way), we needed a place that could keep everyone entertained, and Idlewild delivered in spades.

First off, let’s talk about the charm of this place. Idlewild is like that favorite old sweater—cozy, familiar, and full of nostalgia. It’s where you can actually see your kids enjoying the same rides your grandparents might have squealed on. The whole park feels like a hug from childhood, complete with the scent of cotton candy wafting through the air.

Now, the highlight of the day for our little ones (and let’s be honest, us parents too) was the Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood selections. Our 2-year-old nearly lost her tiny mind when she saw the Trolley and got to meet Daniel Tiger himself. The smile on her face could have powered the park’s entire electrical grid. Even our 10-year-old, who’s starting to enter the “I’m too cool for this” phase, couldn’t resist getting in on the fun. I may have even caught him humming along to "If you have to go potty, stop and go right away!" but I guarantee you he'd deny onto his death bed.  There’s something about Daniel Tiger that just brings out the inner child in everyone—maybe it’s the catchy songs, maybe it’s the fact that we’ve watched approximately 9,000 episodes at home, but it was pure magic.

Each kid found something to love—whether it was the charm of Story Book Forest that delighted the 5-year-old or the slightly more thrilling (but still parent-approved) rides that kept the 7-year-old and 10-year-old grinning all day. And speaking of Story Book Forest, it’s like stepping into every fairy tale ever told. It’s where our 5-year-old got to walk through the pages of his favorite stories, and where we parents got to bask in the rare joy of watching all four kids enchanted at the same time.

Now, Idlewild does have a waterpark, which looked awesome, but being pregnant and wrangling four kids, we decided to save that adventure for another day. Instead, we focused on the rides and attractions that didn’t involve getting soaked—which, by the way, are more than enough to fill a day with laughter and fun.

Idlewild’s size is just right for families—big enough to have a full day of activities but small enough that you don’t feel like you need to train for a marathon to get from one end to the other with oodles of shade and seating for momma the beached whale. And the best part? We didn’t have to deal with the usual theme park madness of long lines and overpriced everything. The kids got to ride their favorites more than once without us having to listen to endless whining.

In summary, Idlewild was the perfect pit stop before our Pittsburgh adventure. It was a day filled with smiles, giggles, and the kind of memories that make you want to turn right around and do it all over again. If you’re passing through or just looking for a day of good, old-fashioned family fun, Idlewild is where you want to be. Just be prepared—you might find yourself singing the Daniel Tiger theme song long after you’ve left!

Design by rachael benion

Visit for more details and tickets!  

**This is a hosted review, which is a fancy way of saying we didn’t get paid, but we did get free tickets in exchange for our honest opinions. And trust me, we’re brutally honest—just ask our kids about broccoli. As always, our thoughts are our own, except for the times when ChatGPT helps us sound a little less like nitpicky perfectionists. (Because let’s face it, I can be a bit pedantic!) Rest assured, the opinions here are 100% ours—well, maybe 99% with a little AI assist.**

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