Next time you find yourself on Long Island, hop on the highway and head east towards the tiny town of Montauk. As you go east and past through half a dozen picturesque towns that look like they're straight out of the movies, keep going until you reach the very easternmost tip of Long Island and you'll find yourself at the historic, yet well-maintained Montauk Lighthouse.
The eastern tip of the island is made up of three state parks, which surrounds the lighthouse and keep the area around it from being commercialized. When you pull up to the Montauk Lighthouse grounds you'll be blown away by just how much it looks like it's straight out of a movie or painting. As you walk your way up to the lighthouse & museum, you'll slowly get better and better views of not just the state parks nearby, but also Block Island Sound and the Atlantic Ocean.

If you're even a tiny bit of a thrill seeker and want even better views, you can climb the circular steps all the way to the top of the lighthouse to get 360* views of the gorgeous coastline, ocean and surrounding state parks. At the very tippy top, there is a small walk-out onto the outside of the lighthouse where you can take a step out (protected by two railings) to take the perfect photo. You can also climb a few small steps towards the actual light to see what it looks like near the light and out the windows at the top.
In the 1860's keepers' house, you'll find rooms full of history, including photos, documents, and artifacts relating to the story of the lighthouse from 1782 when George Washington authorized the lighthouse until the present day. Many of the documents and information inside these rooms have been painstakingly tracked down by local historians or has been donated by locals. This privately owned lighthouse and grounds are some of the most beautiful sights you'll take in and are a true gem of Montauk. I can't recommend a trip to visit enough if you'll be on Long Island!
Thank you to Discover Long Island who kindly hosted me and other Macaroni Kid publishers for this visit to the Montauk Lighthouse. Click here to check out the current travel guide.
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