
Trail Naps, Snacks, and Activities: Hikes for all Ages

By Heather Das, Hike it Baby Harrisburg Branch Ambassador September 26, 2017

Photos by Kendra Reeder, Hike it Baby Harrisburg Branch Ambassador

Spending time outside is essential for our well-being and beneficial for the whole family. It can be difficult to find the time or figure out how to get outdoors as your child grows through different stages. Infants and younger toddlers need so much sleep. It can be tough to navigate the napping situation. And then as your child grows, how do you keep them confined to a carrier or stroller when all they want to do is wiggle, move about, and attempt to walk on their own two brand new feet? Once they take those first steps and finally get moving, how do you keep them focused on the trail and interested in all the glorious nature that surrounds them? Through hiking adventures, we have picked up a few tips and tricks that may help to keep you outdoors and on the trails. Hiking should and can be an enjoyable experience for everyone.

A nap schedule can be serious business for any family. It can seem overwhelming to incorporate a hike into your busy schedule when your infant needs so many naps and feedings. We suggest you take naps outdoors. An adult paced stroller hike might be just the thing you and your infant need. A quick three-mile loop around the Wildwood Nature Center only takes about an hour to complete. Carriers and wraps are perfect for fast or moderate paced trail hikes. Babies will almost always fall asleep on the trail naturally when they are cuddled close. There is not much better than napping outside in the fresh open air. Through time and practice, you can incorporate hikes into your day. The most important thing is to find what works for you.

Let’s face it, snacks are probably a necessity regardless of the age of your little one. The cycle always starts with breastfeeding or a bottle. Hike it Baby members will always stop to accommodate needs. Feeding your child in the calm of nature can be a wonderful and peaceful way for the two of you to bond. At some point, you may find that you are using snacks as distractions. Bring cut fruits and vegetables as healthy options for the trails. A few other popular favorites include pretzels, goldfish, veggie straws, cheese, fig bars, and animal crackers. On toddler or kid led wandering hikes, it can often take a few snacks to help encourage little walkers to take those extra steps.

Raising our children to love the outdoors also means that we need to engage them when we take them on the trails. It’s important to enjoy nature, but we must also explain to our children what they are seeing and teach them how to interact and react to their surroundings. This may be as simple as letting your infant hold leaves and sticks, or helping them to reach out and feel the textures of their environment. For toddlers, bring a roll of tape with you and make a bracelet on their wrist with the sticky side facing out. Help your little one to collect interesting greenery to attach to their nature bracelet. Scavenger hunts are fun for all ages. Babies may be too small to find items on their own, but you can use this as a tool and point out the items listed. With a small amount of planning, hiking can turn into fun educational exploration.

Hike it Baby can help your family turn even the shortest venture outdoors, into an amazing adventure. Learn more about our hikes and community at


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